DG Rider Training

Motor bike training reviews

Motor bike test success

My story is similar to many of those below, i have had 3 friends that have qualified for their full licence with Dave,s help and i cannot recommend him enough.

i initially took my cbt with another "reputable" riding school as dave was fully booked and i needed to get mobile for a new job. What a mistake- al i can say is dont be swayed by a fancy website, the "school" if it can really be described as such was disorganised from the first moment and it quickly became apparent that the instructor was more interested in getting us through the day rather than teaching us how to ride safley.

I obtained my cbt and with in a fortnight i unfortunatley though in hindsight not totally unexpectedly had an accident- an accident that if i had been trained by Dave would never of occured.
I really didnt know what to expect when turning up at Daves on the first day of my DAS course, i had been riding on the roads for 18 months (non car driver) since getting my cbt and wondered whether i was wasting my money after my previous riding school experience. I neednt of been worried Dave managed to be reassuring with out being patronizing at all, he teaches you how and why of the techniques and in 3 days of tuition i felt more comfortable and more in control of a motorcycle than i had in the last 18 months.
mod1 ( my own personal nightmare)
1st attempt- 2 inches to widenon the U turn
2nd attempt- 2 feet to wide on the U turn
3rd attempt-last minute cancellation due to unforseen circumstances
4th attempt-put my foot down on the slow manuvers( the first time ever in my life)
5th attempt- finnally a pass !!!!!

At this point you maybe thinking this guy must be the worst rider in the world! On my first 3 attempts at MOD1 i stupidly allowed nerves to take over and promptly forgot everything that Dave taught me, by the last attempt i was so fed up with nerves i just thought about all of the Daves advice and passed-moral of the story listen to and follow Daves advice=PASS.

Listen to Dave and passed 1st time!!! Havnt looked back since.

Long story short, Dave is a great teacher and if you listen to him you will be a competant and safe rider and a quick note for parents real life testimonials like this one are the real measure of a riding school dont be swayed by a fancy web site!
Thanks Dave

ps if you ever pop by to see Dave for a cup of tea its always best to bring biscuits!

James prowed owner and rider of a bandit 1250 1st big bike

I had no experience riding bikes before I decided to choose Dave. I had heard
good things from people that have been taught by him!

The first day of the course my mind was put totally at ease once I met Dave and

got on the bike. He explained everything in a calm and concise manner. He helped
me understand how best to do manoeuvres, handling of the motorcycle and most
important the safety checks that are necessary for safe riding.

I am happy to say that I know sit before you with a full motorcycle licence and
a shiny new Harley thanks to Dave's expert tuition.

Patience, understanding and professionalism are a staple of this course. Thanks
again Dave and keep up the great work.


Looking for a local school, I searched the web and initially picked DG because of the deal that runs in the autumn, I couldn't have been randomly more luckier (I found out later my next door neighbour also passed with Dave). Having passed the theory, I turned up on a soggy Sunday to meet Dave for my CBT. He made everyone feel at ease straight away, we were even visited by some recent new bikers who came down to say hello and have a coffee and shoot the breeze. Right from the off you know you are in good hands, daves calm influence, and sometimes very entertaining running commentary, helped make the whole experience fantastic.. I can't believe I cleared the mod 2 with no driving minors, but stuffed a question Dave had told me the answer to only minutes before.. Was the best feeling in the world to finally pass and be able to join my brothers for a ride after 30 years of watching them have all the fun.. I wouldn't just recommend Dave for his knowledge, teaching, and patience, but also his passion for riding, which is compelling from the start and seriously contagious.. Just don't make him wait for his KFC at gillingham... ;0) Andrew Bowes

 Paul Mandol iwrote:

I had experience riding bikes in India for almost 8 years, not ridden any above 125cc though but always wanted to. I had been planning almost 10 years to get the licence here and finally decided to go for it this year after we had our second child in May, Dg riders were based near to my place and after speaking to Dave I joined the course.
Wasn't sure what to expect when I turned up on CBT day, did the CBT on Sunday, and for the next 2 days training I got the big one, a Suzuki Bandit 650, the day I waited had arrived. Although I had been riding for years, Dave gave me amazing tips for safety, refining my riding technique and too many bad habits that I had accumulated had to be worked on. Dave was extremely patient and spoke to me explaining in detail the reason behind every action.
I did my Mod1 on Wednesday and passed 1st time, Mod 2 was the following Thursday and had practiced in Erith area, the test centre was changed to Gillingham, unfamiliar terrain and stupid obvious error from me, dint pass. My second go was at Erith after 2 weeks but was unlucky. I had a half day holiday remaining for the year and had a 3rd go yesterday. I passed... Very pleased with myself. Dave was very encouraging through out and gave me the inspiration to keep going. Never give up..
I plan to rent bikes and try diff ones before I find my  love..
Big thank u Dave.... Regards, Paul


A few words from Stu whos pictures you can

see in the gallery at Donnington with the Legond that is Carl Foggerty

First off, there is one big thing that I need to say...Thank you!!
For months prior to this I had been putting it off, ignoring the banter from a few of the guys that ride and also my better half (that has been riding for 5 years now) to take my test so we could all go out.  Finally biting the bullet I got booked up with Dave at DG Rider Training as 3 friends of mine had already passed through him on a direct access course.
The Sunday came round so fast and I had never been more anxious! Having never sat on a bike before Dave talked us round the 125 that I would be riding that day.  After mastering clutch control, which seemed far too quick, I was off! Riding round the car park, stopping, round cones etc and had a grin from ear to ear.  Next thing we knew, we were out on the road! WOW...daunting!
The following day we jumped onto the "Big Bikes"! My weapon of choice was the Suzuki SV650! Having a quick brief around the car and getting the microphones all hooked up we were ready to go!  Learning turn signals and turning at certain junctions soon became a formality and all seemed to fall into place pretty quickly!

Day three took on the challenge of slow riding and the maneuvers.  I soon realised that i was to encounter a new arch enemy....THE U TURN!!!
Day 4 took us to Erith and the test centre! PASS! YES!!! Module one was complete!
Long story short we had to go to Gillingham for mod 2 a week later which i failed by missing a 20mph sign and carrying on at 30mph!! DAMN! Nerves took over and I was making some silly mistakes...there was always next time.
12 working days later i was back in Erith for attempt two which ended with a much happier result and only 2 minors!! 
I went out with the guys that night and then every night until Tuesday.  This was looming over me the whole time, so maybe this was the pressure, but that following Wednesday (5 days later) I was to take the challenge at Cadwell Park. On Track with the legend that was Carl Fogarty...and what a day! Even had the front wheel up over the mountain!
Dave, again, thank you! Loving being out on the road with the guys and my Mrs. I will be up to see you soon, and trust me.  Anyone that even asks will be pointed in your direction!! 


Hi Dave,

Just writing to say a massive thank you for everything last week, it was the first time I've really ridden a motorbike on the road, and well...I've enjoyed every minute of it!!! Your tuition is amazing, the way you taught me was incredible, you were always calm with me and re assuring when I was unsure what to do, not only that, but you constantly road to defend me from other idiots on the road, preventing them from cutting me up and pulling out on me. Although I haven't passed my module 2 yet as I'm waiting to take it, I'm so please that module 1 is out of the way, your tuition helped me secure that pass with only one minor, which I put down to nerves. Now just looking forward to the module 2 test, and with any luck I'll pass that too.

As you know I did m first CBT with another riding because at the time I needed it a soon a possible....cutting a long story short the particular riding school I attended was quite simply awful!! The instructor was patronising, rude and seemed to think he was gods gift of the motorcycling world. This put me off riding a bit after that experience.

Coming to you however was a brilliant idea, my dad did his Direct Access Course with you and he also rates you incredibly highly hence why I decided to learn from you, (a decision I shall not regret).

I will most defiantly be recommending you to my friends who are interested in doing their bike test, hence why I got a few card off of you before I left.

I look forward to seeing you soon for my module 2 test.

Many thanks,

Cameron. 2012



Well,  What can we say about DG Rider Training?  Only that he is probably the most patient riding instructor that you're ever likely to come across.   In the 7 years that I have been dealing with Dave, he has managed to put up with just about every eventuality i could throw at him. 

I did my first CBT in 2005 as a precursor to riding in India, and Dave was excellent in taking a novice rider to at least some level of competence (which with me, is saying something!).  I should have taken his advice then and pushed on for the full test, but instead I let that lapse until another 6 years had passed.  Suffice to say, Dave remembered me when I once again returned to him to help me with my objective to commute.  He kindly saw me through and again told me to do the full test, but I didn’t.

Finally, after 6 months of taking my life in my hands and riding to London, I decided to do the DAS course and signed up for a week with Dave.  We did the DAS course in December and Dave maintained his excellent patience throughout, with a view to getting me on to the Mod 1 on the Thursday and hopefully on to the Mod 2 the following week.  Day of the test, Dave was confident that he'd done everything he could with his students and taken them as far as he could in terms of preparation, which to be fair, he had.  What he hadn't prepared us for, was what to do when you have a complete test meltdown and decide halfway through the first manoeuvre that you would prefer to tip the bike over and let it crash to the floor.  In front of the examiner.  So when I walked back into the test centre after 5 minutes, he pretty much knew that was a little too quick to be a pass.

But, Dave being Dave, he was not deterred.  He agreed that I had just been a complete doughnut, and looked to get me booked in again for the Mod 1.  The day of the test came, and with it came a downpour of Snow of biblical proportions.  So the test was cancelled.

Eventually, we got another Test day, so once again, I arrived with the intention of not making the same mistakes again.  This time, I decided to make completely different mistakes, and managed to forget some of my paperwork allowing me to do the test.  Brilliant.

So finally, we managed to get another test day, with sufficient weather, and with me retaining the relevant paperwork.  Went through the prep work with Dave, and hooray, managed to secure a pass.  That all important licence now, finally within grasp.

The day of the test was finally upon me, I arrived at Dave's.  Again, paranoid with the previous shortcomings, I decided not to make any of the same mistakes again.  So once again, I invented a new one, and rode Dave's test bike straight into a concrete pillar outside his house.  The first time, ever, someone has managed to hit the 3ft, solid, concrete post.  Not the best prep for a test.

But, somehow, with a little bit of luck, and Dave's good judgement, I managed to secure a pass, and my full Licence.  Its fair to say, I could not have done it without Dave's help, and to anyone who is seriously considering getting a motorbike licence, then make sure that the first thing you do is give Dave a call.  You will not find anyone better, (or certainly more patient) in terms of getting you through the test.


Paul Gill 2012



My storey – a (finally) ex pupil.

When I arrived at the training school I was ******* myself to say the least. I have never ridden before and am not blessed with either height or build at just 5ft 2 and 7.5 stone!

It was suggested by many of my biker family to do it on a 125cc.... nope, I will prove them wrong and with the help of Dave and his lowered, seat cut down, ER5 I done it.... eventually!

I passed my Mod 1 after one try....with almost every examiner at Erith! I was either too slow, too fast or busy decorating the test centre floor with cones but they all added to the wall of driving test sheets that I have and of course the experience but when it came to my Mod 2 I passed first time.

So a huge thanks to Dave and his patience, confidence boosting and nagging I finally have a full license and a corner named after me in Erith!!

I am now the proud owner of a Suzuki GSF Bandit and on my first ride out on it, to calm my nerves, I had to imagine Dave in my ear..... gas, gas, gas.....

Katie – Maidstone. 2012



I didn’t know Dave before my DAS course, I’ve not been paid to write this and I’m not just writing it because I passed my test. I’m writing this because I thoroughly enjoyed the whole process.  


It took just 27 hours for Dave (and his team) to take me from a total novice to a DAS success. Six hours for 4 days and a 3 hour pre-test-practice-warm-up-ride-thingy.  


I started out day 1 in a school playground (no cars, buses or lorries to hit, or to hit me!!). It’s the friendliest induction you could hope for. I never once felt intimidated and nor was I patronised, if this is your primary fear then go get down to DG training, Dave takes all these fears away and reminds you that whilst riding is a very serious business, it is, like the bacon sarnies, to be enjoyed.  


Days 2,3,4 were out on the road, I felt protected throughout, Dave constantly rode to defend me from idiot road users. Using radio contact, his professionalism (with interjected humour/banter) guided me swiftly through years of his experience, which still echoes as I ride solo now.  


The pre-test-practice-warm-up-ride-thingy left me more prepared and relaxed than I’ve been for any test/exam in my life. I passed first time.  


I’m proud to have been his pupil, will definitely stay in touch and urge you that if you are thinking about doing your DAS then give Dave and his team a call, he’ll see you through. 


Ash, Westerham
Current/First Bike: Yamaha FZ6




Once you get to the CBT training day you"re made to feel at ease by your instructor. The day starts with a run through of the basic things you need to know before you get on a bike. I had never ridden a bike before and was not sure i wanted to! I had gone along to support my other half who had wanted to learn to ride for many years. The day was great fun and the instructor was excellent. We had a weeks training for our DAS. The first day was on the 125s and was very strange and not at all that enjoyable for me. The 125 seemed very small and i felt intimidated by the cars. I nearly didn"t go on the second day as i didn"t  think riding was for me. How wrong could i have been! The 500cc bike was just fantastic. So much did i enjoy myself that i went out and bought a bike before i passed my test. The training at DG is superb, far more than is needed just to pass the test-you get lots of very useful help that has stood us in good stead now we have passed our tests. If you think you might want to learn to ride a motorbike-DO IT, ITS FANTASTIC.  




 Current bikes: CBR600f/Ducati 999s 






Firstly, I think it's testament to Dave that he stills keeps in touch with ex-pupils, whom I observed coming to the Sunday Test Centre, proudly showing off their new bike purchases, This speaks volumes in my book.  I too have now been welcomed into the biking fraternity with the offer of a Friday night Ride out to Hastings.  In the past I have never felt the need to write a recommendation letter and have indeed scoffed at those who do. Why I have changed is that what I was given by Dave goes beyond the norm and should be commended.  Dave is incredible friendly, knowledgeable and supportive.  To this day I often still hear his voice in my right ear "lifesaver!!!, "turn off your indicator!!!!!") .  The training was spot on and indeed have had over five years in the training business myself.  Dave patiently broke me of my dubious riding techniques picked up from two years of bad riding on a scooter (boo hiss).  His advice was always spot on, he called when he said he would, he saved me money and I passed with not even one minor fault.  From the good humoured chats we had. we will probably never agree on the way to save the planet but that's another story.  Good luck with your business.
Richard Lockwood
Suzuki Bandit GSX600


I was looking to take my bike test due to the fact that I done some motocross as an early teenager and the buzz of the bike never leaves you.  I had a look on the internet and found that there were several schools but they seemed to main stream and it did not feel right.  I also had a look at Dave’s website which I found very straight forward and to the point I have personally never left a any correspondence on a website before but felt the need to due to the fact that I had such an enjoyable time while doing my full CBT/DAS course.  Immediately when I first spoke to Dave I had the sense of a very straight and honest guy and He told me exactly what I needed to do before actually doing any practical riding i.e. Theory & Hazard Awareness to which He also gave superb advise on what software and literature to get and also on how to apply for the tests.



The first day started on a school playground at Orpington which was great due to the fact that you have a day to get used to the bike and practise manoeuvres and learn about the bikes as well.  I think I was even getting my knee down (ha ha ha) and ex-pupils who still go on there Sunday morning which says so much for Dave as a person regarding his teaching and his persona were taking bets between myself and somebody else.  



Following on from this we then hit the roads and again could not fault the way in which Dave taught us an individuals.I also enjoyed all the banter from Dave in my earpiece which I found very comfortable LOL. (laugh out loud) I actually miss my time doing my lessons so I will definitely be joining the Sunday club for bacon butties. 









 A message from Graham 27th april 2008



I passed. OK, so thousands of people have said this before, but for me it was different. I’m not a ‘natural’ biker and had spent the weeks running up to my test reading forums and talking to bikers all of which put the fear of God into me because, “No one passes first time!”.



Then I met Dave.



Even after day one of the DAS, Dave’s  genuine enthusiasm and fantastic  non-patronising teaching style started me thinking that I could do it. By the end of day three I genuinely believed that I could pass the test.  Dave never loses his temper (or his professionalism) and his never ending banter and encouragement manages to fill you with confidence and skill. So much so, that I wasn’t even too nervous on the morning of the test. I was the first of Dave’s two students to go out with the examiner. Before I knew it I was on the bike. Armed with Dave’s knowledge I actually enjoyed the ride and passed first time!!! I might add that the other student went on to pass first time as well. (of course!)



If you want to pass first time I advise that you get yourself booked in with DG Rider training. You won’t look back (except for lifesavers of course).  


Graham Kirkman 





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